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First Presbyterian Monrovia is a local, family of God where everyone is welcome.
Join us for our Sunday worship gathering! 

When Is Our Worship Gathering?

Sunday Mornings @ 10:30am

What To Expect

A typical service will last about 75 minutes. We sing a mix of modern songs and hymns led by our worship team followed by a time of prayer, and then a message from scripture. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship, coffee, and treats!

The Welcome Table in the lobby entrance is a great place to learn about our church and ask questions.

Our Prayer Chapel is always open following the worship gathering for personal prayer and ministry.  

Is There Something For My Kids?

Families we’re glad you’re here!
We highly value children and their dicipleship journey in our faith community.  We have a nursery for parents to use as they need, and a fun and engaging children's time during the sermon for  preschool through elementary children.

Please see our Children's Ministry page or visit our Children and Families Director, Elisha Larson, at the Welcome Table in the lobby for more details as well as drop-off and pick-up instructions.

Our youth ages 6th - 12 grades stay through the service.  Many of our youth enjoy serving in the AV booth, Children's Ministry, and other meaningful areas.  Please see our Youth Ministry page to get more details about our youth group and when they meet, or contact Pastor Joel Larson for more details at Joel@fpcmonrovia.org  

Contact Us

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